Monday, May 12, 2008

ABAP/4 Interview Qns and Answers

91) What are elements?


92) Can we have more than one selection-screen and how?

Ans Yes, we can have more than one selection screen.

Selection-screen begin of block honey with frame title text-101.

Select-options : deptno for zrekha_deptt-deptno.

Selection-screen end of block honey.

Selection-screen begin of block honey1 with frame title text-102.

Select-options : dname for zrekha_deptt-dname.

Selection-screen end of block honey1.

93) How to declare select-option as a parameter?

Ans SELECT-OPTIONS: specify are displayed on the selection screen for the user to enter values.

Parameters: dname like dept-dname.

Select-options: dname for dept-dname.

94) How can u write programmatically value help to a field without using search help and

match codes?

Ans By using two types of function modules to be called in SAP Script:



95) What are the differences between SE01, SE09 and SE10?

Ans SE01 - Correction & Transport Organizer

SE09 - Workbench Organizer

SE10 - Customizing Organizer

96) How to set destination?


97) What are the function module types?


98) What are tables?

Ans Tables : ZREKHA_EMP.

It creates a structure – the table work area in a program for the database tables, views or structure ZREKHA_EMP. The table work area has the same name as the object for which we created it. ZREKHA_EMP must be declared in the ABAP dictionary. The name and sequence of fields in the table work area ZREKHA_EMP corresponds exactly to the sequence of fields in the database table, view definition in the ABAP dictionary.

99) What are client-dependant tables and independent tables?


100) How to distinguish client-dependant tables from independent tables?


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